So many changes are coming into our reality lately. Energy waves that are leveling us up, and bringing us into new frequencies. A world that doesn’t look like the one we knew two or three months ago. What do we make of all of this?
There have been times where I have wondered if the changes it would take to create the NewEarth were even possible. If enough people could wake up and shift their consciousness to a level to create this great new world of 5D? Then it hit me, what if I am the only one that needs to wake up? What if I am only seeing the mirror to that which I believe to be true? If I shift that thought or idea that the world needs to change, and go inward to see where I need to change, then does that in fact change the world?
If the life that goes on around me is my reflection, then wouldn’t it make sense that I need to make the changes I am looking for? When I find that peace, calm and abundant me, full of love and gratitude, trust and kindness, then wouldn’t it make sense that the reflection of my reality would be one of the same? Therefore, creating the New Earth right here in my own reality and existence.

As we all look at the world that is evolving around us, we need to be aware of the parts we would like to change. From there we go inward with that journey, and explore the process of change we would like to create. If we were to take action on that change, wouldn’t it be logical that doing this would create the 5th Dimensional frequency we are seeking?
As I apply these ideas to my life, I find myself moving into more of a place of peace with things.Maybe the world around me still exists in some forms of chaos, but would that chaos affect meany longer? It seems to not be part of my experience. Then, in those moments it does become part of my experience, it is time for me to go inward again, and find my peace with what is going on around me.
This journey may not hold a permanent and sustaining answer, but an ongoing exercise of my mind, heart and soul. To find the place in me that brings me forward into a space of my truest authentic self. A journey that I fall more in love with every day. As I love what is going on outside of me, it is a reflection of the love I have for myself and the flow of source through each of us.
The deeper these thoughts go, the more I know the wisdom of Dolores and Julia Cannon goes deeper than any of us can possibly know. The foresight of their words were, and still are, ahead of their time. We all create our own reality. We are in the exact reality that is perfect for us, and what we came here to do. QHHT is a key to finding the answers and directions to our treasure maps. Going deeper into ourselves to get our hidden clues and how many steps it will take to get to the X that marks the spot.
Tracie Mahan
Level 3 Practitioner

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