Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique by Dolores Cannon
All session submissions must be submitted through this session notes portal.
For those practitioners who have submitted sessions via email, or physically mailed in sessions, you will need to resubmit your sessions below if you would like them to reflect in your preview and on your session dashboard number.
There is a new preview underneath the form.
Feel free to review your submissions and submit any you see missing. Please look at your preview of sessions before submitting to make sure no duplicates come in. We will remove duplicates upon approval.
If you have hit your 25 session milestone, your sessions will be processed in 3-4 weeks.
You will know your sessions are reviewed and processed when you receive a congratulations email and your account is updated. Pre-congrats to you! <3
If you have a technical issue with your session notes,
please email and let us know at [email protected]
It’s important that you also keep your own record of what you submit.
You should make an indication on your records once it’s been submitted.
If you have session-related questions,
Please direct any session-related questions to our QHHT Global Forum where the Level 3 moderators will be able to beautifully guide and present you with tips and tricks.
Keep up the great work! Thank you for continuing such a beautiful legacy <3
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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy
815 N. Gaskill St.
Huntsville, AR 72740
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