Do you possess psychic powers? How many of you knew that you could see things that others didn’t when you were really young? Maybe you were too young to remember it but someone told you that you used to do or say these ‘weird’ things.
It could have been that you saw spirits, or possibly had these visions of something involving someone else. That’s the ability! As a child, you don’t have all those walls put up for defensive purposes so you are able to see into other dimensions.
Table of Contents
This is an extremely intriguing topic for today. One that has a tremendous impact on our everyday life, even without us realizing it. We all have these strange aspects about ourselves. Maybe you have come to terms with yours already or maybe you find amazing synchronicity with your “gut feeling” and you want to know how to work with it. Well, luckily for you, your guides have led you to this moment and we shall walk you through it all. There is also an awesome quiz at the end of this article that will help you realize what your psychic ability may truly be!
Psychic Power Meaning
Firstly, the preferred term I like to use is psychic abilities, not psychic powers. The word “power” is often misunderstood for its connotation – some people use the word for having power over someone or something. Neither are they a gift as if you were rewarded for being good. It’s more of an ability. Psychic abilities are our right, they’re our natural abilities as human beings which we are discovering at different points in our lives. It’s like those moments when you’re deep in thought and you get those random but life-changing thoughts – that’s an ability! Psychic abilities are the same, but for most of us, they lie dormant inside ourselves.
What Does it Mean to Have Psychic Abilities?
How many of you knew that you could see things that others didn’t when you were really young? Maybe you were too young to remember it but someone told you that you used to do or say these weird things. perhaps your psychic powers showed up in that you saw spirits, or possibly had these visions of something involving someone else. That’s the ability! As a child, you don’t have all those walls put up for defensive purposes so you are able to see into other dimensions.
Then, as we grow, we get told not to do or speak about these things, or maybe you were scared of what you were seeing so you, yourself, shut it down. Slowly, we shut down our psychic powers. As we grow up from childhood through adolescence, these abilities often take the back seat – for a lot of us. But then as we reach our thirties we suddenly remember we used to be able to do all these things! In order to reactivate our dormant abilities, all you have to do is just be you – in all your beautiful authenticity and it’ll all come back.
The more we explore this concept, we will start to understand how we have disconnected ourselves from this ability. We have filled our bodies with junk or low-vibrational foods and energies which pollute and cloud us. This includes listening or watching the news repeatedly that headline sad or aggravating stories or staying invested in relationships with people who no longer serve you.
Here is the point – how can we put our knowledge into action? How can we go from a philosophical viewpoint to having a cerebral conversation on these lofty concepts? There are a few steps to achieve this which are much simpler than you might have thought.
Developing Your Psychic Powers
Acknowledging Your Abilities
When you receive a piece of information, whatever manner it comes in, acknowledge it. Remember to be grateful and thankful for the information you received – that’s true acknowledgment.
Accepting Your Powers
The next step goes hand-in-hand with the first. It is accepting that what you received is real. At first, these two steps seem like a ritual or a procedure but eventually, it becomes more natural – it becomes a knowing. The information will start coming in a lot faster and you will just start accepting without a second thought. You just need to keep allowing it to happen.
Trusting Yourself
After I have acknowledged the information I have received I get three confirmations from things like the radio, road signs, or during conversations. This helped me accept the information but, ultimately, it helped me to trust it.
The Process of Accepting the Infomation
The way in which I receive my information is auditory – I would hear things. And sometimes I would think to myself, “well that’s weird”. But that’s the ego pushing it away. Your ego wants everything to make sense, but if it doesn’t then we tend to push it away. Hopefully, you’ll start to realize you can’t keep pushing it all away, but by then you’ll have had these confirmations of the information you received that will hopefully convince you of its validity.
Once You Accept Your Psychic Abilities
Sometimes you might find that you need to change your environment, you might need to think about where you spend your time and adjust it a little so you have more access to those like-minded people, to include them in your life.
We tend to filter out the information we receive as part of the ego construct as a way to protect ourselves from embarrassment or rejection of these abilities. If we just learned to relax a bit and rather surround ourselves with like-minded people who appreciate and share some of the downloads or intuition feelings. This helps us to feel comfortable with who we really are, not only to validate the feelings within ourselves but also to share them with others. Because that’s what this human experience really is about – sharing with others. We, as humans, want to share our experiences with other people but we are sensitive beings, so we also crave their acceptance.
Often, we will come across those people who just shut down the topic, calling it hogwash, or ridiculous. That is part of this human experience – part of the world that we are navigating through. This can repress some of our psychic abilities.
We should take stock of those situations and consider if the relationship is conducive to the development of our psychic abilities. We should take stock of how this information you receive is shown and shared. Strive to share it with supportive and open-minded people – in a safe place. Sometimes you might find that you need to change your environment, If you do want your psychic abilities to blossom, to seek out relationships with those that want you to blossom.
Final thoughts
Think about where you spend your time and adjust it a little so you have more access to those like-minded people and to include them in your life. You need to trust that your light will attract more sources of light. Think: Your vibe attracts your tribe! By doing so you will be less affected by the roller-coaster of rejection and acceptance of others.
There are so many different ways of receiving information and I want you to just open the doors to it. Do not place limits on yourself just because your friend’s ability does not work for you. You have other abilities that they don’t have. This is a beautiful thing because you can complement each other’s abilities. By being your authentic self and expressing yourself in the way that you are inspired to do, it gives others the inspiration to do the same! We all have these abilities which lie dormant inside of us until we are ready and they are ready to be expressed. Once this happens we can develop them by nurturing and exercising them – just like a muscle.
Your Ability Does Not Have to Look Like My Ability. And My Ability Might Be Different To Yours!
If you would like an idea of what psychic ability you might possess then why not try this psychic powers quiz?
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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