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Dolores Cannon Books You Should Add to Your Reading List Today

In the realm of metaphysical literature, few names resonate as profoundly as Dolores Cannon. A luminary in the world of hypnosis and regression therapy, Dolores Cannon captivated readers with her unique ability to unlock the hidden recesses of the human mind, revealing insights...

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March 18th, 2024

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Brown Spiritual Meaning
Self Discovery

Brown Spiritual Meaning: Spiritual Meaning of Color Brown Defined

Close your eyes and think of the color brown. You will most likely get other images that pop up along with this color. what comes to mind when you think of the color brown? Many of you might think of the bark of trees, or the soil plants grow in. But, what is the symbolism of…Read More»

What is Spiritual Depression?
Self Discovery

What is Spiritual Depression? Symptoms, Causes & Healing Explained

Depression has been a well-known foe in the world of mental health for quite some time. It comes and goes throughout life, and is always accompanied by negative thought patterns and feelings. However, not many people consider spiritual depression. This article we will delve into the intricacies of spirituality, and how depression is very much a phenomenon we experience at some point…Read More»

Three Waves of Volunteers
Past Lives

Dolores Cannon Speaks on the Three Waves of Volunteers

The world, at times, appears to be a deeply troubled and chaotic place. The relentless cycle of violence, conflict, and suffering we inflict upon ourselves and others raises questions about why higher beings have not intervened to alleviate our struggles. It is understandable to wonder why such powerful forces have not intervened to guide us toward a path of peace and harmony. However, perhaps there is a purpose behind our…Read More»

Is Reincarnation Real?
Self Discovery

Is Reincarnation Real? Is There a Scientific Evidence?

If you’re reading this, you probably have some interest in the possibility of past lives. Or, the topic intrigues you enough that you want to know more. Our topic today is about the research that has been done to prove that reincarnation is real. We will talk about the science behind the phenomenon and any evidence that exists. So, if you’re ready to go down the rabbit hole of rebirth and other…Read More»

What is a Psychometric Empath?
Self Discovery

What is a Psychometric Empath? Traits, Signs, Awakening & Powers

We all know about empaths, right? The folks who pick up on vibes like it’s their superpower. But hey, did you know there’s actually more than one type of empath? There are 11 different kinds of empaths. Have you ever heard of a psychometric empath? Well, this article is your introduction to their world—where feelings aren’t just in people but also…Read More»

ETs have been here from the beginning
Self Discovery

Dolores Cannon Said the E.T.s Have Been Involved From The Beginning

Drawing upon decades of ground-breaking research, Dolores Cannon’s perspective delves deep into the realms of consciousness and past-life regression. She was even lucky enough to have made contact with beings from other dimensions, or extraterrestrials if you will. Her profound insights and unyielding curiosity have led…Read More»

White Spiritual Meaning
Self Discovery

White Spiritual Meaning: Spiritual Meaning of Color white Defined

What is the spiritual meaning of the color white? What does white symbolize? For many cultures, white is the color of purity and a new beginning. As we know, white is the lightest color on the color wheel. So much so, that many people argue that it is not a color at all, but rather the absence of all color. Looking at this brilliant…Read More»

Ladybug Spiritual Meaning
Self Discovery

Ladybug Spiritual Meaning, Spirit Animal Symbolism & More

The ladybug stands as a potent symbol of good luck and blessings, offering its unwavering support as we navigate our paths of personal growth and transformation. Mirroring its metamorphosis from a humble larva to a resplendent insect, it reminds us of our capacity to undergo profound change through determination and…Read More»